Friday, February 4, 2011


I'm sorry it's been so long since I last posted here. I'm thrilled to see that some people are following this blog, and I hope you'll stick with me. As I've mentioned in earlier posts, I created this blog as a form of exposure for myself, first and foremost; I'll post here as I find the need. The fact that I haven't needed to in a while is a good sign.
When I first learned that there was a term for how I experience 'breaks' from my OCD, it was almost a relief. The fact that sometimes it (almost, but not quite) goes away made me feel like a fraud. But when I move somewhere new, I experience a 'honeymoon period' for a short amount of time. The huge upheaval in my patterns and routines makes it harder for me to ritualize. My whole life I have had a serious case of wanderlust, and I think this relief is a huge contributor to my need to move somewhere new as often as possible.
I am fairly well settled in to my new home, and this is both a good and bad thing, I think. Running will never solve all of my problems. There will be a point in my life when I'll be unable to move just for the sake of some relief form my OCD. Exposure is the only real solution, and I hope to tackle this head-on in the coming weeks. I'll post here as I have updates on how this goes.

Until then,